Professional Development

Join us at Stanford University or online and find out why 95% of our attendees say they would recommend youcubed professional development to a colleague!
Descriptions of our workshops and upcoming sessions, with links for online registration, are below.
Thousands of teachers have attended our professional development since 2016, you can find some of their quotes at the bottom of this page or read this review that includes great visuals!

To register using a purchase order, inquire about scholarships or ask a question about our workshops, please send an email to:

Watch a video of our workshops in action!

Grade-Level Workshops

We have professional development that is tailored for educators in different grade spans, and are offered in online and in person formats, including:

  • Number sense workshops for Grades 2-5
  • Workshops on teaching mathematics through big ideas for two different grade levels (elementary and middle)
Upcoming Workshops

Find the version you want, then click on dates to register

Number Sense for Grades 2-5
Teaching Mathematics through Big Ideas in the Middle Years

Middle Years

Teaching the Youcubed Data Science Course

High school teachers, learn directly from the youcubed curriculum writing team how to teach Explorations in Data Science, our full-year advanced mathematics course!  The training is offered in three formats: weekly 2-hour online sessions during the school year, 4 days online in June/July or 4.5 days in person at Stanford in July/August. All versions are interactive, cover all 8 units of Explorations in Data Science, and include hands-on experience with the technology tools in the course.

Upcoming Workshops

Find the version you want, then click on dates to register

Online Workshops

School Year (weekly 2-hour sessions)

Summer (4 daylong sessions)

In Person Workshop

Teaching the Summer Camp Curriculum

Join Jo Boaler and the youcubed team to learn about our camp that has been implemented widely by teachers and shown to significantly improve students’ mathematics understanding! This workshop focuses on the curriculum and teaching approach developed by youcubed that improved students’ scores on standardized mathematics tests by an average of 50% (equivalent to 2.8 years of school). A study of teachers implementing the program across the US showed a significant increase in student mathematics achievement after camp and in the following school year. The workshop content is appropriate for anyone interested in running a youcubed-inspired summer camp or using a Mathematical Mindset teaching approach during the school year. Participants will receive a copy of the camp curriculum, which is available for grades K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-9.

Upcoming Workshops

Our next workshops will be in 2025, check here for updates!

Events for Parents & Guardians

In the webinar “Building Mathematical Mindsets,” Jo Boaler will share evidence on the most successful ways to learn mathematics, discussing learning strategies that have been found by research to significantly improve students’ achievement and change students’ views of their own potential. Individual or school passes available!

Upcoming Parent/Guardian Event

Click on date to register

Mathematics Leadership Summits

Upcoming Summit

Our next summit will be in 2025, check here for updates!

"This workshop helped me fuel the little spark I had inside. I already believed in growth mindset but felt like I lacked the power to bring about change. My little spark is now an explosion. I can’t wait to start the movement of change!"
"This workshop allows for some great networking opportunities. It gives us amazing data and resources to take back to our district. This also gave me a better understanding of what growth mindset is."
"This workshop has truly been life changing. I feel like my struggle is finally being relieved! Math can be fun, exciting and creative! Thank you!"
"This workshop has been the single best professional development because it freed me from the confines of traditional math instruction."
"This workshop made me truly understand how math can be brought to students as a creative, free subject for all students to experience."
"This workshop reminded me why I love education so much, the ability to inspire young minds to see their own potential. I wish more of my colleagues would come to one of these!"
"This workshop will affirm those hidden beliefs you previously only held in your heart regarding students and learning… it will allow you to put them into action!"
"This workshop has given me more tools as a math leader than I have ever had before!"